Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm so...cold...

Okay, here's the thing: I am generally a fairly patient and optimistic person. Really. My glasses are all full *of cool, cool delicious milk...mmmm*, my clouds are all shiny, I've got a bluebird on my shoulder *actually, no, because that would be scary, but metaphorically*--all that jazz. HOWEVER, if the rain does not ceases very, very soon, my brain is actually going to explode. Everywhere. Like a mashed potato volcano. Or just...a volcano. And when it explodes, it is going to explode is such a way that each particle of my brain goo will become an unstoppable mini-killing machine, complete with tentacles and googly eyes, and no one will survive. So please, for all of our sake's, someone shut off the rain. Someone just take a gigantic wrench and turn off that tap in the sky. I'm begging you. Everything smells like wet dog because apparently wet college student and wet dog=pretty much the same thing. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. Hampshire Admissions, I've thought about this long and hard, and I have a proposition for you: let's just move Hampshire to the location displayed below:

Seriously, let's just pack up and go there. Someone can just figure out a way to move all the buildings to Tahiti as their Div III and we'll be golden. No one will even know the difference--we can even bring some sheep and some lesbians so people think it's still in the Valley. It's totally a fool-proof idea. There's no chance on it going utterly, utterly, horribly wrong. None.
If this rain continues until Hampshire Halloween, I am switching my costume from punk Harry Potter to slug person. I will give up on sunlight and live in the earth and avoid salty foods. TAKE THAT, RAIN MAN.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but I am pretty sure that the two palm trees and the hammock in your photo were wiped out by Wilma. Just isn't your month...but you're still a great read. Especially when it is raining outside. Oh wait, there appear to be two of every animal parading down my street. Gotta go!

Music Snob said...


I know you don't know me, but I'm not some creepy stalker person! I just wanted to let you know that you kind of inspired me to start my own blog.

I've always wanted to go to Hampshire, and it's really cool to know that there's a place where you can just be...whatever.

Keep writing extremely sick entries! Blog On!!

Anonymous said...

spiritual PUNK

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